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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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College education be required for applicants

College education be required for applicants

Q Should college education be required for applicants applying to become a police officer? Please make sure to defend your argument.

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There is obviously a need of education for the applicants in order to apply for becoming a police officer. This education is ranged from high school diploma to the college degree from applying to become the police officer. The high school diploma is the minimum education requirements for the applicants to become a police officer. In order to hold a good position in the police department, there is a need of college degree or associate’s degree (Novak et al. 2017). Not only the education, but physical activities and potentiality in sports should be seen while selecting the police officers. I also think that if an individual has that potentiality to become a good police officer then education should not be the barrier. High school diploma can be considered as very low educational qualification and mostly everyone have it. Allowing the minimum educational qualification, the criminal justice system actually allows everyone to fulfill their dream of becoming a police officer.